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Monday, 15 November 2010

Pumpkins and more jam!

Remember those little pumpkins growing in my garden? My how they've grown! They store wonderfully in a cold room. Today's furry model is Bobbie, he contemplated eating the pumpkins (after an experimental nibble of the stalk) but settled for posing instead (it's really any excuse with him).

With one of the pumpkins I made gluten free Pumpkin Pie to take to Nath's mom's for his sisters Birthday dinner. That only took a little bit of it, so with the rest I made Pumpkin Jam! You can find the recipe I used here, I tripled all the ingredients and I used Jam makers sugar and also added a sachet of pectin and sugar set...just. It tastes great! It actually made 4.5 jars, the part jar will be used to make experimental Pfeffernuesse.


  1. Bob does look extra cute there :)

    Am looking forward to the Pfeffernuesse!

    Nathan, the Toxic Pixie

  2. I love pumpkin jam and yours looks delicious. Bob is sooooo sweet!



  3. Thank you for the recipie! It's a lovely one :o)

  4. Thanks I've learnt something. I didn't know what Pfeffernuesse was until now!

  5. Sounds good doesn't it...if it's River Cottage it's probably yummy.

  6. It looked delicious on screen, so am looking forward to it :D


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