This rather gorgeous little point of lay hen is a Crested from Heidi's Happy Hens. We were determined to restock the chooks since we'd suffered a few unavoidable losses (from soil eating, of all things) and were down to Nessa, the ex battery hen and Isabel the White Star. For ages and ages I had wanted some form of Cotswold Legbar hybrid, partly because of the beautiful feathers and punk haircut, and partly because they have an 80% chance to lay a blue/green egg. So now we have Rosie! She hasn't starter to lay yet, I think it's a tad too nippy still and she's still maturing. I am hopeful though! The other chicken is a Copper Black and her name is Mabel. She's beautiful too, and should in time lay darker brown eggs.
Here they are in the cat carrier (best way to transport a couple of chickens!). The cat carrier is also ideal for freaking out people at the vets who peek in hoping to see a lovely cat *evil grin*
Here are all 4 chickens in the Omlet Eglu (with run extension). They need the bottom of the run levelling and re-filling, as you can see they have performed some major excavation work! Also please note, white chickens do not stay white for long!
"Whatchoo lookin at?"